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Local Delivery Area: Sioux Falls, Brandon, Harrisburg, Tea




Deep Tea Dive: All About BLACK Tea

Sat DEC 2 1:00 - 3:00 PM

If you like your tea bold and brisk, you have more options in black tea than you may have realized… Like, way more! Learn about the different styles, grades and traditions, explore regional varieties, health benefits, origins and more. We will taste various styles of artisan, single origin black tea from different growing regions and you can continue your exploration at home with 3 high quality black tea samples. After taking this class, you will never look at black tea as just “tea” again! 

FREE SHIPPING on orders over $55

FREE LOCAL DELIVERY on orders over $30

Local delivery area: Sioux Falls, Brandon, Harrisburg, Tea (duh! 🙂 )

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