For Your Group. At Your Location.

Experience Tea Your Way!

Tea Class - Tea Tasting - Tea Meditation

Tea for the Intellectually Inclined

This class is both information-dense and hands-on experiential and suitable for tea enthusiasts at any level of experience. 

We will explore tea history, culture and craft, discuss what makes a ‘good’ tea, and learn about different ways of sorting teas by type. The theory portion will be followed by hands-on learning on how to prepare a great cup of tea. 

Several quality teas from different regions will be sampled and by the end of the class, you will have all the practical information you need to enjoy the full benefits of tea for your body, mind and spirit. 

Includes tasting, handouts, and a tea sample to take home.

Journey into the World of Tea

Private Tea Class

Group Size: 6-12 participants

Price: $45/person

Duration: about 2 hours, including tasting

Location: your home/business/gathering space in the Sioux Falls area

Tea for the Curious Connoisseur

Tea, like wine, is a product of its terroir – the aggregate characteristics of the environment it grew in – as well as the skill of the tea master who made it. 

These tasting sessions develop the palate and appreciation for pure artisan-crafted specialty teas, which is a different world compared to mass-market flavored teas where the added flavoring masks the true character of the tea.

There is great variety in tea, as there is in wine: having tasted, say, one green tea, tells you nothing of another. 

Tea means social connection and shared tasting sessions allow us to enjoy the company of others in a calm, relaxed way, all the while indulging in Mother Nature’s simplest gift: water and leaf.

Quality Tea, in Good Company

Private Tea Tasting

Group Size: 2-5 participants

Price: $99/group

Duration: about 1 hour

Location: your home or other comfortable setting in the Sioux Falls area

Tea for the Spiritual Seeker

Long before tea became a beverage and a commodity to be consumed – as most consider it today – it was something else entirely… It was a precious medicine and a connector between Heaven, Earth and Human.

It is not incidental that much of early tea history is the history of monks who cultivated and processed it to use it daily as an aid to meditation.

Leaves in a Bowl is the simplest and oldest way of drinking tea. It is free of refinement, need of skill or knowledge and takes us back to what tea is really about: listening.

Tea creates a sacred space for a journey within. 

Leaves in a Bowl, Stillness Within

Private Tea Meditation

Group Size: Max 12 participants

Price: $20/person

Duration: about 1 hour

Location: your yoga studio, wellness/spiritual/community gathering space in the Sioux Falls area

In Good Company

Exploring together with like-minded people who share your passion can be exhilarating. Visit scenes from the book you read together with your book club? Lead your yoga students on a spiritual retreat?

Marking a milestone with your closest friends in a foreign land is sure to be a bonding experience.

Who's in your tribe?

History & Mystery

It’s one thing to study history from textbooks, but quite another to stand immersed in it in the place where ‘it’ happened or ‘the building’ that still stands.

History explains the present and guides the future. We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before.

My favorites: museums and temples. Sacred spaces reveal the highest aspirations and the greatest creativity of a civilization. To me, that’s pure wisdom.

What do you crave to know?

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