In the midst of a hot yoga session this morning in an infrared sauna at Hotworx – my new obsession – I happened to glance through the glass door and notice a poster on the wall: a woman in a bound side angle pose and the words ‘Know Your Why’. Presumably referring to your why for working out, getting in shape, losing weight… But as it was the last day of the year, and my mind was already absorbed in bigger topics, my thought went to a different place.
My ‘why’ for Shall We Tea.
I could list a number of reasons for why I started this business barely 4 months ago that might – or might not – look similar to anyone else’s reasons for starting a new business. But I wouldn’t be a tea person if I didn’t think there’s something special about tea… and that helps boil down my ‘why’ to something very simple:
Tea, in and of itself, is the ‘why’.
Putting aside my personal love for tea, its health benefits, ethereal flavors and endless variety… Tea is always a gateway to something more, something deeper. It’s like a teacher that offers unlimited experiences and opportunities for learning – not just about the world of tea, but about ourselves. And I believe that to be its highest purpose.
I use ‘Tea Experiences for the Body, Mind and Spirit’ as a tagline to highlight tea’s holistic essence and my desire to share all those aspects of it with you.
I am closing out 2023 with an immense gratitude for all of you that I have shared tea with this year.
My mantra for 2024:
With Tea, All Else Comes.